Sunday, December 17, 2006

Starting Solid Food YIPEE

We just got Oliver's passport in the mail today. Rebecca and I took the boys down for the passport photos one morning after m/b yoga. Joe started his vacation yesterday, so we have 2 weeks to relax and enjoy our little family. We'll probably go get a tiny, tiny tree (no room) this week. We just bought a highchair today and we're starting solid food this weekend - exciting! (for food nerds anyhow). In January we go to Monterrey, so Oliver will get to see the ocean and hang out at the beach for a few days and I can get my feet wet with air travel with baby.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lots of Hair and a Chinny Chin Chin

Oliver is totally wonderful. I can't wait for you to see him and vice versa. He is growing a lot of hair, filling out, getting round, another chin, a really fun personality, very kiss-y, loves to touch the other babies, found his penis this week, tries to drink from a glass, is very loving, wakes up and beams at me in the morning. Ah...I am just in mommy heaven. Joe starts his vacation this weekend and we are going to introduce solid foods as he is totally ready and excited about what we are eating. Things have been nuts. Getting exercise and spending time with Rebecca and Emma and boys has been the most wonderful thing this fall when all of a sudden, we get this 2-3 week period of monsoon rains/flooding, followed by a week of wind from hell and power outtages, followed by a week of beautiful snow, but with temperatures in the teens, too low and cold to venture out with Oliver. I will bundle him up and take him out when it is in the 30's, but nothing below that. So we were cooped up for awhile and I almost went insane.

Christmas Yogamammas Potluck

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Singing in the Rain

Turkey day I am cooking a bird, Joe is doing salmon and we have invited the Fosters, Rebecca, Carter, and Rowan (who are trying to find an affordable beach getaway and might not be with us), our friends Jo Marie, Sue, and Steve, and Chad, Emma, and Parker from Jersey Street, and whomever else. Just potluck around 3-ish. Low-key.

How 'bout those Democrats!!????!!! Last night at 10:00 I told Joe that I pictured Dianne doing crazy repetitive cartwheels in their living room - she has been working SO hard for the democrats. And Rumsfelds resignation. YEAH!!!!!!

So on Monday morning it was raining sideways and I was literally pacing the kitchen with Oliver. I picked up the phone, called Rebecca and said 'I am going nuts.' She said 'I was just going to call you and tell you that I was going nuts!' So we bundled ourselves and the boys and walked all over Bellingham in the rain - to get their passport applications, to the co-op. The little guys loved it and we realized that it wasn't cold, just damp. On Tuesday we walked to yoga. Today was lovely and we walked to the library and got kiddo cd's, books, to the bank, to the co-op. At the library, the two boys were looking at each other and smiling and Oliver reached out both of his hands and touched Rowans hands. It was TOO cute. Rowan's eyes are the most beautiful blue. Oliver is a riot - he gets the giggles and smiles a ton. You are going to love him.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Da Boyz in the Hood

So have I mentioned the challenge of holding a squirming baby while focusing a camera (on moving babie(s)? Moooo

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Thought you'd get a kick out of this - Oliver's first Halloween party hosted by Parker's mother Emma - left to right - Parker the Pumpkin, Rowan the Dragon, Oliver the Holstein, Araya the Pea Pod, and Bjorn the Lion. Note how Oliver and the Pea are having a grope and the Pea is making a move on both boys. It was mayhem. Laughing, crying, and lots of baby puke. Too funny...

Monday, October 9, 2006

Week 15-16 Birthday Suit photo shoot

Yep, I like baths. A few shots in my birthday suit

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Yogi Bertie and our 9th Anniversary

Oliver is so amazing. So smiley, so fun, so flirty. He loves baths. Talks incessantly. Not chubby. Crawled yesterday. I wish you could experience him right now. It's all so fleeting it is almost heartbreaking. Discovered his testicles yesterday. He was YogiBertie (his nickname is Bertie from Oliberto that Joe called him from the beginning) today. We walked downtown to mamma/baby yoga with Rebecca/Rowan and another mom/baby from the Sehome 'hood, Emma/Parker. There must be boy stuff in the water coming off of Lake Whatcom. Rebecca and I walk pretty frequently with the little guys and I really like her. We walked to the co-op yesterday and yoga today. Joe and I planted trees and de-mossed the garage roof and worked on getting the house ready for winter this weekend. It has been stunningly beautiful sunny. Joe took a 4-day weekend. We had a CSI-fest (the episodes with children just about do me in now) and we download and really get a kick out of Anthony  Bourdain - we've watched Sicily, Vietnam, and New Zealand - he is just straight up and incredibly funny. Yep, tomorrow is our 9th anniversary so we'll be dining at Pepper Sisters. And for sure there's no topping my Birthday from last year spent with dear friends, climbing up that windy hill in Waimea, and of course, making this wonderful little baby. I told Joe I wanted nothing for my birthday this year, that I already had everything and more than I ever wanted.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yoga Moms Cabin Outting

Well the rains are here. Hopefully we will get another weekend or two of sun so we can hoof it up to Baker and get a hike in with the babe and the pooch (not to mention all of the house things that have to be taken care of). Yesterday I roped Rebecca into going to a Yoga Mammas outing at a cabin on south Lake Whatcom (clear down by Sedro-Woolley - don't think I knew that it really stretched that far south) and it was a big mom-fest with a roomful of babies and moms. Rowan is only 2 1/2 weeks old, so I was very impressed that Rebecca was up for it. The babies are too little to play, but Rowan did a great job with the drive and being in a roomful of people and Oliver was a HUGE flirt. I think he loved it. Rowan is going to be bigger than O. any day. Oliver is such a tiny little guy even though he is growing incredibly fast right now and he no longer has shar-pei wrinkly legs. I bought him jammies 3 weeks ago and he is already about to push through the toes.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Slobber Jaws

There are a few new pics of O. on the kodak site. Yes, he is definitely getting some personality. Can say his own words beginning with 'b' and 'o' and Joe and both heard him say Oliver the other morning. It was bizarre. He can be VERY smily and beguiling at times. I think he is a few weeks from getting into teeth - uuuuuggggghhhhhhh. Total slobber jaws. Going through another growth spurt this week. It's nuts.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Week 10 photo shoot

Smiles, Babbling. Cooing. Ow is most used word. Tonight he said ‘mo’. Right eye is definitely different color than the birth blue left one. Too fun…9/3/

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Oliver's new friend

Biggest news - Rebecca gave birth to little Rowan (boy, healthy, 8#6oz) at 4:30 am Thursday. They hung a pirate flag on the fence with 'It's a boy' painted on it. All are well. Carter brought him over this morning and he is just adorable - looks like Carter. She had a pretty long labor, but they were all 3 out walking this afternoon so she is just awesome. Carter used the word 'terrified' when describing the birth, so I don't feel so alone now... : )

We have been BUSY! Joe's brother John from L.A. came up the Thursday before last and rode with us to a wedding last weekend in Portland (Joe's nephew). Nice wedding. Great people. Little man travelled quite well - I was so relieved. Arrived home Sunday and my girlfriend Vicki (wife of Hal, future porch builder with Alex) from Colorado arrived Monday for 4+ days of 'girl' time - she just helped me and watched O. alot while I did silly things like take showers that were long enough to shave my legs and whatnot and gave Joe and I our first (much needed) night out on the town. He and I kicked off his birthday (today) at the Oyster Bar with amazing food and the best bottle of wine - I had breast milk bottled so I could actually drink a whole glass of wine. Vicki had enough to bottle feed him and then I gave him a bottle when we got home. It was so nice to spend time with her and the help was much needed and so appreciated. O. is changing SO much right now it is mind boggling. There are days when he seems to be growing before our eyes (not exaggerating). I am considering putting him on rations so he will slow down a little (kidding). He is starting to chatter a lot (specific times of the day it seems), have different cries for different needs and crying so much less now, lots of eye contact and grins, starting to gain control of his arms and hands and concerted effort to do specific things with them. He does little outburst screams. We broke out the 'B.O.B.' baby jogger and he gets wheeled around (no jogging yet - his neck isn't ready), trying to roll is endless.

Counters are installed and they look great and really pull the kitchen together. A-1 is here on Tues to do final on kitchen.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

You can pick your friends, You can pick your nose, And you can pick your baby's nose!

Nope, I don't think the eyes are going to be blue. The one that is changing is getting much darker.

I was picking a big boogedie out of his nose the other day and pondering the ridiculousness of trying to teach them not to pick their noses when in fact their parents start picking their noses for them before they can even crawl!

We are doing our first road trip to Portland for Joe's (and mine, I guess) nephew's wedding next weekend. We'll see how O. does (we'll see how I do...).

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Week 7

You know, it is like falling in love with someone over and over and over again. Starting to see some major changes and personality develop. It's possible that his mom has been teaching him to stick out his tongue...these were all taken within 10 minutes. You can see his right eye is starting to change color.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Visit from Auntie Jess and Uncle Alex

Thank you and Alex for the beautiful flowers, the brunello, cupcakes, and smiling while baby O. was wailing. And beyond that, for your support, interest, and caring throughout the pregnancy. You have been such a great friend to me and I am so glad that we have had the opportunity to get to know and grow to love you and Alex. Sorry I was/am so out of it. I still can't believe how much it takes to care for a baby and heal yourself simultaneously and try to put your house back together on 3-4 hours sleep/night average. It does seem to get better every day. We are going to check the block-out dates for frequent flyer miles for December and we'll get back to you soon - can't believe O. will be 6 mos. old at Christmas - it completely freaks me out...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Welcome Robert Oliver Bennett!

Robert Oliver Bennett 06.22.06 6:10 a.m.

The past week so defies explanation, so completely overwhelming, so wonderful...we've just been living minute to minute, and savoring all of the seconds in between.

Please keep us in your special thoughts...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Michelin Man Baby Rolls

Everything in our calendar is tentative since we don't know when the little guy will arrive - anything after 37 weeks (06.12) is considered 'safe'. Joe is taking 2 weeks paternity leave when the baby is born and sometime after that my parents will be invited - they just bought a plane and are semi-retired, so they are pretty flexible. I don't know about the baby's weight. The internet says 18-inches, 4.5#, but I don't know where the other 17# are, so I think he is heavier than the average. All of the weight gain from here on out is supposed to be him making his Michelin Man baby fat rolls. From what I understand, he doesn't get much longer at this point (thank gawd), just fills out and finalizes his development.

Early Morning Breakfast Baby

THANK YOU FOR VIVE LA PATISSERIE! So cute. Sorry I didn't email or call, yesterday was a total runaround day and by last night I was so pooped and had to clean up after construction stuff. This kid isn't going to wear the same outfit twice during his first 3 months and then he'll be naked!

I hit 136.5# this morning. He wakes me up with major kicking and punching at 4am these days and I just have to lay there and listen to the birds. I think he is going to be an early morning breakfast guy like Joe and I.

3 of the moms from my yoga class have delivered and we are heading into a period of several upcoming deliveries. One of the moms had to do fertility treatments (19 of them!)Another one of the moms, who happens to be a former model, had the most beautiful baby boy with the longest baby legs I have EVER seen on Mother's Day. I told her she was going to deliver on the full moon and she did. I think I am going to also, I just hope it is in mid-June, not July. I went to a different midwife this week because mine is vacationing and she/I can feel everything - his bum, his arm, his head, his leg. I am so hoping that he stays in his current position because he is and has been upside down, headed out for months.

We are just going to chill this weekend also. Some extra sleep (I have started napping out of total necessity), some yardwork, some movies, the Farmer's Market. It's the Ski to Sea race on Sunday, though don't know if we'll go down for the festivities or not. Joe has back to back weeks in California and we are heading into drywall mayhem next week, so I imagine we'll just relax. There is a major minus tide tomorrow morning that is at it's lowest around 11am, so if we wake up at 4 again, we may head out to find a beach to explore during low tide. I would like to take pregnancy photos with Joe and I both in them if we get the chance.

Have been in major nesting mode the past few days - figuring out the bedroom setup, baskets for diapers, washing clothes, buying the home birthing supplies, trying to make sense out of the whole baby bottle/breast pump/breast pad market. I decided to wait until yoga a week after next or my next midwife appointment next week to poll the mommies, because I am clueless!

Bought a bikini top yesterday (thank gawd they sell them in separates these days!) so I can get some sun when I garden. Joe picked up the sink and faucet in Seattle this week and the exterior door is in and being varnished. It is lovely. I picked up the hardware and thought to myself, '...dunno how many women in the world get excited about door knobs, but I definitely get excited about door knobs...' The windows were installed earlier this week so we have DAYLIGHT in there for the first time in a month+. Nice. It is much more private as the windows start higher and are taller than the old versions - more sky, less street. The cabinets are sitting somewhere in Canada waiting to show up. The dishwasher and refridgerator are waiting to be delivered.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Let's think of it as 35 more days. AHHHHHHHH!!!! Kidding...

We had a very social weekend as well. I helped with a plant sale Saturday morning, we had dinner and went to see Ira Glass up at Western Saturday evening with friends, then the neighborhood did a shower for us on Sunday late afternoon. I was completely blown away at the number of people there. Anne and Diane invited a lot of people with young children. It was wonderful.

Nothing feels settled, but I am not attached to deadlines or outcomes, so it doesn't matter. I am just enjoying life right now. Need to purchase all of the stuff for home delivery - I have quite a list. We'll get the bed at the last minute. I have a feeling he'll be sleeping with us for awhile, so it doesn't matter. We do need to get the car seat pretty quick. I am VERY tired beginning about 3 weeks ago. I think he is just on a growth spurt. My upper left ribs just ache sometimes and this weekend, it felt like I had a cinder block sitting vertically on my pubic bone all weekend. Am up to 135.5# and I feel every ounce of it. Trying to do a good hike every day from here on out to give me some stamina for delivery.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Summer Planning

Actually, I'll bet we don't see you until July since we are going to be either delivering or in shock about the time you arrive.

Sorry I haven't written. I am so pooped and completely busy. Less than 49 days to parenthood. Don't think we'll do another ultrasound unless something weird happens - they are elective at this point (no insurance coverage unless there is a medical reason) and fairly spendy, so I just have to wait to see the real thing : (

Everything is on or ahead of schedule with the kitchen project. Plumber finished Monday, am awaiting inspection this morning, and we don't have anyone until the electricians next Monday. Don't know about wall color yet, but it will have to look nice with the fir cabinets. We're kind of waiting to see how much lighter it all gets after the drywall and windows to decide on the wall color. Not much wall shows, to be honest, it's mostlyl covered in cabs or windows or openings to other rooms. We picked an environmental linoleum for the floor called Marmoleum in Sahara. Did I tell you that my belly button is completely off center? I think it is because I have been sleeping on my left side since last fall (you are supposed to) and that's where he always has his big Joe head, but it's pretty funny. Some women get stretch marks, but I just have a relocated belly button. You'll see it one day when I get around to pictures. Sorry Jess, it just seems that by the time the weekend rolls around, I am exhausted and not looking/feeling too photogenic. Joe was joking the other night and said we would just scan a photo of a pregnant supermodel and Photoshop my face in to make everyone happy.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

8 weeks left and counting!

Here is a shot of the demo'd kitchen. While I am enjoying this pregnancy, I am definitely living more for the future (end of construction, birth of baby, etc.) instead of enjoying the beauty in every day. I am feeling P-O-O-P-E-D. 8 weeks and counting from yesterday until you fly back to Washington and this baby is due (see, there I go again!). Am up to 133.5# (18.5# gain) this morning and it is definitely the little guy, not me, although I am stretching out everything I pull over my various humps these days. All I want to do is sit in the sun and sleep, but I have all of these other things to take care of, so I'll have to work on balance. If I had a private garden/beach, I'd be a naked fat gal on a big rock in the sun : ) We didn't take pictures last weekend because I looked exhausted and not too damned photogenic. Need to work on that. Kitchen is going fast. The contractors finish/leave (for a few weeks) today and the plumbing/electrical/drywall phase begins. Is all due to finish the week the baby is born, with something happening every single week until then!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Baby Wearing is always in style

I think this little guy is going to be not so little. He is working on his routine for Cirque du Soliel every night. Ba-dump, flip, bump, roll, kick, push, ba-dump. My parents are bringing out the basinet I slept in when I was little and I will put that in my studio for him to sleep in, but I plan on wearing him until he is too ungodly large for my body to take it anymore. I really like the whole philosophy behind baby wearing. I just got my first 2 dozen organic cotton start diapers in the mail yesterday.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Prego Painting Picasso

My studio is finally painted the coolest green - pale avocado - it took  5 hours to finish it yesterday and boy, was I ever exhausted last night. I reached this point where a little voice inside my head said ''re getting so fatigued that you are going to do something stupid and hurt yourself...' and about a minute later, the entire paint tray came crashing down on my head - still have no idea how it happened - I was pretty goofy by then. Esmé and I slept in this morning - Joe is in Oregon, so she got to sleep on the bed with me. She loves that.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

130.5 Pounds and Still Kickin'

Well, the baby is huge, I am huge. A heffalump. I weighed 130.5 on the scale this morning. Sometimes when he kicks, my entire torso moves. Not joking. Am starting to be terrified that he is going to be a BIG baby. I have been having fantasies/delusions of delivering a 5+ pounder, but he doesn't feel like a little baby.

It has finally stopped pissing rain and is now sunny and just blowing like crazy. Joe is getting ready to mow this jungle we call our backyard. I am working on the garage - ugh.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Kitchen Details

Finalized the cabinets on Friday - man was that a headache! Would help if I wasn't so picky about symmetry, balance, details, but they are too expensive not to obsess over plans. Signing contract and ordering cabinets and windows tomorrow morning. They are handling the framing, installation of windows, doors, cabs, floors, and finish, and overall hand-holding, but I get to man the clipboard, phone, and calendar. So much for my relaxed 3rd trimester...Think we are shying away from stainless counters for ease of installation in a kitchen with no right angles (making it flush with the wall - stainless doesn't exactly bend) and fabricators in Spokane, Portland, and Seattle, and timing. Looking at a counter product called Richlite that is recycled paper pulp and resin. Our dear friend Hal Schafer has been installing it for a few years and loves it - functions and mills like a hardwood - occasional oiling and light sanding if you do something really egregious to it. A-1 loves it. From a tactile standpoint, it feels very nice. Is close to bulletproof. 

Bought some fun stuff for the Little Man. Found this sweet shop (Bootyland) on Capitol Hill in Seattle and the owner gave me Diaper 101 and the lowdown on baby slings (I am going to continue to wear this kid - don't see myself plunking him down in a bed and wandering off too much - he'll pretty much be an extension of me). Diapers are pretty revolutionary now. I'll have to show you. The 'plastic pants' are polar fleece, the actual diapers are organic cotton and hemp, and no pins - just velcro! Jess, they had all sorts of infant monkey wear at Old Navy that I think would have walked out the door with Aunt Jess had you been there - got him a great hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and a very soft chocolate brown hooded sweatshirt - I think I am starting to get into this...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Baby Shower Booty

Here is a shot of our temporary kitchen while ours is under construction. Joe's office hosted a baby shower lunch for us was really nice. We received 3 receiving blankets, a burping cloth, 2 pr overalls (short and long), 1 pr socks, 2 t-shirts, diapers, 3 short-sleeved onesies, 3 long-sleeved w/ footsie onesies, a t-shirt/shorts outfit, Curious George 'Opposites' hardboard book (don't know what the term for this is - I call them teething books), gift certificate to go toward purchase of baby jogger, and a non-mechanical food mill. It was SUPER nice and sunny today. Painted some more window trim in the office and hauled more kitchen to the storage unit. Talked to my dad this morning - they sold the sailboat and bought an airplane. I think my dad wants to own one of every guy toy before he dies.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Operation Mason Street Baby Boom begins

So, a few months ago I was wishing that Carter and Rebecca would decide to have a child so I would have a fun mom to hang with. Guess who is 3-months pregnant?? Crazy, huh. We'll have 3 kidlets all born within half a year within half a block.

They are giving us a shower at Joe's office tomorrow at lunch. I am going to wear my stylin' tights and lacy shirt I bought in Italy and the brown COOL-ottes my friend Jessica bought me.

Have been painting my studio the last 2 days (wearing the uber-respirator, don't worry) and am getting really excited about finishing it. Boy did my lower back hurt like hell this afternoon. Good thing I have to get decked out tomorrow and can't be the pregnant laborer.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Rollin' down the undies

Sitting in the back yard in the sun with my big belly this weekend felt SOOOO good it certainly made me wish I was in Hawaii swimming around all bulbous with the sea turtles. You know, I am so big now that my undies roll down into a little belt around my waistline under the little man. Is that funny or what???!!!

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Sunshine in B'ham

It was warm (relative term) and sunny here today, too. Joe mowed the yard for the first time this year and I dug everything out of the raised bed and covered it with chicken wire so it doesn't become an instant litter box.  Took out the dead wood from the grapevine from last year. Felt SOOOO good to be outside in the sun. I am up to 126#! This baby is so growing. We heard his heartbeat with my heartbeat overlayed yesterday - our own little rhythm section. Nope, no definitive name for Little Man. I still like Robert Dylan Oliver Bennett and am waiting for Joe to come up with something better. So many names I don't like.

Friday, March 3, 2006

Waddling around in the Spring

It is trying really hard to be spring here today. We did the vertical ascent of the arboretum yesterday afternoon and I couldn't believe how much of a difference 10# makes in my stamina and the way I walk. Definitaly a waddle. I feel for larger people, girl. We have an appt this afternoon with the midwife - just routine checkup. I have everything prepped so we can make phad thai for dinner and am getting ready to make black sticky rice for desert. I am so freaked out about the prospect of not having a kitchen for 2 or 3 mos. Don't know how we will be functioning the few weeks after baby arrives, but if we are up to it, we get first dibs on you two. It might be difficult to sleep in a shoebox with a crying baby. We'll play it by ear.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Olympic Gymnast Baby

Yep, you'll both get to see the little man when he is brand new! Last night I was sitting in bed indian-style and he kicked me so hard I caught my breath - you could see my belly jump where he hit it. I sat there with my shirt pulled up for half an hour and watched my entire belly move. It is the weirdest thing! It totally made me cry. Can't imagine what he is doing in there to initiate so much movement, but I was envisioning Olympic gymnastics.

Saturday, February 4, 2006

Personal Pregnancy Shopper Jess and the first kick!

Just picked up the mail from the PO and opened your package. You are TOO SWEET! You made me cry and I'm not even a weepy pregnant woman. Everything fits and I like everything. The white t-shirt is OH-SO-SEXY! Even on blimpy moi. I am sure that Joe will be secretly thanking you :)

We felt the baby move while we were in California! I've always thought that I would feel it in the morning the first time - I was right. We were just laying in bed procrastinating about getting up. I felt something funny, wondered if it was gas (sorry), then had this feeling like Joe had lightly poked me in the belly with his finger, but realized that both of his arms were wrapped around my shoulders and then I knew. I felt it again and then I had him put his hand on my stomach and 'boomp' he felt a kick. It was very obvious. This is sooooo cool.

Friday, February 3, 2006


IT'S A BOY!!!!!!! I am so excited. We could see his long arms and legs, hands, fingers, spine, his brain, his heart, his stomach, big alien eyes, his Christmas ornament : ), the blood going through the umbilical chord, the placenta, everything. The amniocentesis was not fun, but was very quick. It hurt less than a blood draw, but the cramps afterward and just sort of the psychological shock of having a massively long needle inserted into your belly (I am glad the doctor was a woman) were a lot to absorb and experience. I felt like a whimpy little old lady last night and am taking it very easy today.

After the baby started kicking me last week, I started sort of subconsciously referring to 'it' as 'him' (nothing Freudian there, eh? : ). Now that he has kicked both of us and I can feel him all of the time moving around (very active), we have seen him and he looks more like a little person, we know the sex, and I have had this somewhat uncomfortable amnio experience etc., it is much more emotional and personal and much less surreal or like some sci-fi adventure. I awakened at 4am and laid there for 2 hours thinking about all of the amazing things we'll do with this little boy...dinosaur cookies, fossil hunting, fishing, camping, playing in streams, salmon spawning, musical instruments, growing things... All the way home from Seattle yesterday I was rolling names around in my head. Right now I am at Robert Dylan Oliver Drussel Bennett for legal and he can go by Dylan or Oliver Bennett. Then he is named after Joe, Bob Dylan, and my grandfather Oliver Drussel. I just have to sell this all to Joe now...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Too big for clothes

Spent 4 hours with the A-1 kitchen designer going over our plans yesterday. Better to spend some upfront money in the planning stages than when we are in full construction mode. I think we are going to gather the stones for the porch ourselves. I think we have a little practice at rock gathering.. All for now. We are in Monterey the rest of the week...nice to have a subsidized getaway on the beach. Talk to you two when we return. BTW - I am HUGE. I am not kidding. Something crazy happened in the last week and I am OUT of regular clothes, despite only having gained 4# - I don't get it. Did a maternity clothes buying trip to Seattle last Friday so I can actually leave the house (and breathe) now : )

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Results are in!

Got the results back from all of my prenatal and genetic testing (they are SCREENING, not diagnostic mind you - they just look at your vitals/history and do mathematical projections) and statistically, everything looks excellant. Now I just have to decide whether or not to do the amniocentesis...I'm finally up to 119#. I was a little worried there for awhile.

Joe is in Minneapolis for manager training all week, so Esmé gets to sleep on the bed with me. She LOVES that! I am pooped today. Been jamming on all of the info for the builders. Ready for my mid-afternoon hot chocolate. I SHOULD go for a walk - it is FINALLY not raining or blowing like crazy, but really I just want a teeny, weeny, little, itty, bitty, napsy Oh my GAWD, I think this baby is growing as I write this - eeeouch!