Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Summer Planning

Actually, I'll bet we don't see you until July since we are going to be either delivering or in shock about the time you arrive.

Sorry I haven't written. I am so pooped and completely busy. Less than 49 days to parenthood. Don't think we'll do another ultrasound unless something weird happens - they are elective at this point (no insurance coverage unless there is a medical reason) and fairly spendy, so I just have to wait to see the real thing : (

Everything is on or ahead of schedule with the kitchen project. Plumber finished Monday, am awaiting inspection this morning, and we don't have anyone until the electricians next Monday. Don't know about wall color yet, but it will have to look nice with the fir cabinets. We're kind of waiting to see how much lighter it all gets after the drywall and windows to decide on the wall color. Not much wall shows, to be honest, it's mostlyl covered in cabs or windows or openings to other rooms. We picked an environmental linoleum for the floor called Marmoleum in Sahara. Did I tell you that my belly button is completely off center? I think it is because I have been sleeping on my left side since last fall (you are supposed to) and that's where he always has his big Joe head, but it's pretty funny. Some women get stretch marks, but I just have a relocated belly button. You'll see it one day when I get around to pictures. Sorry Jess, it just seems that by the time the weekend rolls around, I am exhausted and not looking/feeling too photogenic. Joe was joking the other night and said we would just scan a photo of a pregnant supermodel and Photoshop my face in to make everyone happy.

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