Wednesday, May 3, 2006

8 weeks left and counting!

Here is a shot of the demo'd kitchen. While I am enjoying this pregnancy, I am definitely living more for the future (end of construction, birth of baby, etc.) instead of enjoying the beauty in every day. I am feeling P-O-O-P-E-D. 8 weeks and counting from yesterday until you fly back to Washington and this baby is due (see, there I go again!). Am up to 133.5# (18.5# gain) this morning and it is definitely the little guy, not me, although I am stretching out everything I pull over my various humps these days. All I want to do is sit in the sun and sleep, but I have all of these other things to take care of, so I'll have to work on balance. If I had a private garden/beach, I'd be a naked fat gal on a big rock in the sun : ) We didn't take pictures last weekend because I looked exhausted and not too damned photogenic. Need to work on that. Kitchen is going fast. The contractors finish/leave (for a few weeks) today and the plumbing/electrical/drywall phase begins. Is all due to finish the week the baby is born, with something happening every single week until then!

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