Friday, May 26, 2006

Early Morning Breakfast Baby

THANK YOU FOR VIVE LA PATISSERIE! So cute. Sorry I didn't email or call, yesterday was a total runaround day and by last night I was so pooped and had to clean up after construction stuff. This kid isn't going to wear the same outfit twice during his first 3 months and then he'll be naked!

I hit 136.5# this morning. He wakes me up with major kicking and punching at 4am these days and I just have to lay there and listen to the birds. I think he is going to be an early morning breakfast guy like Joe and I.

3 of the moms from my yoga class have delivered and we are heading into a period of several upcoming deliveries. One of the moms had to do fertility treatments (19 of them!)Another one of the moms, who happens to be a former model, had the most beautiful baby boy with the longest baby legs I have EVER seen on Mother's Day. I told her she was going to deliver on the full moon and she did. I think I am going to also, I just hope it is in mid-June, not July. I went to a different midwife this week because mine is vacationing and she/I can feel everything - his bum, his arm, his head, his leg. I am so hoping that he stays in his current position because he is and has been upside down, headed out for months.

We are just going to chill this weekend also. Some extra sleep (I have started napping out of total necessity), some yardwork, some movies, the Farmer's Market. It's the Ski to Sea race on Sunday, though don't know if we'll go down for the festivities or not. Joe has back to back weeks in California and we are heading into drywall mayhem next week, so I imagine we'll just relax. There is a major minus tide tomorrow morning that is at it's lowest around 11am, so if we wake up at 4 again, we may head out to find a beach to explore during low tide. I would like to take pregnancy photos with Joe and I both in them if we get the chance.

Have been in major nesting mode the past few days - figuring out the bedroom setup, baskets for diapers, washing clothes, buying the home birthing supplies, trying to make sense out of the whole baby bottle/breast pump/breast pad market. I decided to wait until yoga a week after next or my next midwife appointment next week to poll the mommies, because I am clueless!

Bought a bikini top yesterday (thank gawd they sell them in separates these days!) so I can get some sun when I garden. Joe picked up the sink and faucet in Seattle this week and the exterior door is in and being varnished. It is lovely. I picked up the hardware and thought to myself, '...dunno how many women in the world get excited about door knobs, but I definitely get excited about door knobs...' The windows were installed earlier this week so we have DAYLIGHT in there for the first time in a month+. Nice. It is much more private as the windows start higher and are taller than the old versions - more sky, less street. The cabinets are sitting somewhere in Canada waiting to show up. The dishwasher and refridgerator are waiting to be delivered.


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