Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Let's think of it as 35 more days. AHHHHHHHH!!!! Kidding...

We had a very social weekend as well. I helped with a plant sale Saturday morning, we had dinner and went to see Ira Glass up at Western Saturday evening with friends, then the neighborhood did a shower for us on Sunday late afternoon. I was completely blown away at the number of people there. Anne and Diane invited a lot of people with young children. It was wonderful.

Nothing feels settled, but I am not attached to deadlines or outcomes, so it doesn't matter. I am just enjoying life right now. Need to purchase all of the stuff for home delivery - I have quite a list. We'll get the bed at the last minute. I have a feeling he'll be sleeping with us for awhile, so it doesn't matter. We do need to get the car seat pretty quick. I am VERY tired beginning about 3 weeks ago. I think he is just on a growth spurt. My upper left ribs just ache sometimes and this weekend, it felt like I had a cinder block sitting vertically on my pubic bone all weekend. Am up to 135.5# and I feel every ounce of it. Trying to do a good hike every day from here on out to give me some stamina for delivery.

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