Sunday, March 12, 2006

Baby Shower Booty

Here is a shot of our temporary kitchen while ours is under construction. Joe's office hosted a baby shower lunch for us was really nice. We received 3 receiving blankets, a burping cloth, 2 pr overalls (short and long), 1 pr socks, 2 t-shirts, diapers, 3 short-sleeved onesies, 3 long-sleeved w/ footsie onesies, a t-shirt/shorts outfit, Curious George 'Opposites' hardboard book (don't know what the term for this is - I call them teething books), gift certificate to go toward purchase of baby jogger, and a non-mechanical food mill. It was SUPER nice and sunny today. Painted some more window trim in the office and hauled more kitchen to the storage unit. Talked to my dad this morning - they sold the sailboat and bought an airplane. I think my dad wants to own one of every guy toy before he dies.

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