Friday, March 3, 2006

Waddling around in the Spring

It is trying really hard to be spring here today. We did the vertical ascent of the arboretum yesterday afternoon and I couldn't believe how much of a difference 10# makes in my stamina and the way I walk. Definitaly a waddle. I feel for larger people, girl. We have an appt this afternoon with the midwife - just routine checkup. I have everything prepped so we can make phad thai for dinner and am getting ready to make black sticky rice for desert. I am so freaked out about the prospect of not having a kitchen for 2 or 3 mos. Don't know how we will be functioning the few weeks after baby arrives, but if we are up to it, we get first dibs on you two. It might be difficult to sleep in a shoebox with a crying baby. We'll play it by ear.

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