Saturday, February 4, 2006

Personal Pregnancy Shopper Jess and the first kick!

Just picked up the mail from the PO and opened your package. You are TOO SWEET! You made me cry and I'm not even a weepy pregnant woman. Everything fits and I like everything. The white t-shirt is OH-SO-SEXY! Even on blimpy moi. I am sure that Joe will be secretly thanking you :)

We felt the baby move while we were in California! I've always thought that I would feel it in the morning the first time - I was right. We were just laying in bed procrastinating about getting up. I felt something funny, wondered if it was gas (sorry), then had this feeling like Joe had lightly poked me in the belly with his finger, but realized that both of his arms were wrapped around my shoulders and then I knew. I felt it again and then I had him put his hand on my stomach and 'boomp' he felt a kick. It was very obvious. This is sooooo cool.

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