Everything in our calendar is tentative since we don't know when the little guy will arrive - anything after 37 weeks (06.12) is considered 'safe'. Joe is taking 2 weeks paternity leave when the baby is born and sometime after that my parents will be invited - they just bought a plane and are semi-retired, so they are pretty flexible. I don't know about the baby's weight. The internet says 18-inches, 4.5#, but I don't know where the other 17# are, so I think he is heavier than the average. All of the weight gain from here on out is supposed to be him making his Michelin Man baby fat rolls. From what I understand, he doesn't get much longer at this point (thank gawd), just fills out and finalizes his development.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Early Morning Breakfast Baby
THANK YOU FOR VIVE LA PATISSERIE! So cute. Sorry I didn't email or call, yesterday was a total runaround day and by last night I was so pooped and had to clean up after construction stuff. This kid isn't going to wear the same outfit twice during his first 3 months and then he'll be naked!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Let's think of it as 35 more days. AHHHHHHHH!!!! Kidding...
Nothing feels settled, but I am not attached to deadlines or outcomes, so it doesn't matter. I am just enjoying life right now. Need to purchase all of the stuff for home delivery - I have quite a list. We'll get the bed at the last minute. I have a feeling he'll be sleeping with us for awhile, so it doesn't matter. We do need to get the car seat pretty quick. I am VERY tired beginning about 3 weeks ago. I think he is just on a growth spurt. My upper left ribs just ache sometimes and this weekend, it felt like I had a cinder block sitting vertically on my pubic bone all weekend. Am up to 135.5# and I feel every ounce of it. Trying to do a good hike every day from here on out to give me some stamina for delivery.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Summer Planning
Actually, I'll bet we don't see you until July since we are going to be either delivering or in shock about the time you arrive.
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
8 weeks left and counting!
Here is a shot of the demo'd kitchen. While I am enjoying this pregnancy, I am definitely living more for the future (end of construction, birth of baby, etc.) instead of enjoying the beauty in every day. I am feeling P-O-O-P-E-D. 8 weeks and counting from yesterday until you fly back to Washington and this baby is due (see, there I go again!). Am up to 133.5# (18.5# gain) this morning and it is definitely the little guy, not me, although I am stretching out everything I pull over my various humps these days. All I want to do is sit in the sun and sleep, but I have all of these other things to take care of, so I'll have to work on balance. If I had a private garden/beach, I'd be a naked fat gal on a big rock in the sun : ) We didn't take pictures last weekend because I looked exhausted and not too damned photogenic. Need to work on that. Kitchen is going fast. The contractors finish/leave (for a few weeks) today and the plumbing/electrical/drywall phase begins. Is all due to finish the week the baby is born, with something happening every single week until then!