Monday, November 14, 2005

And the Nausea commences

Well, I am feeling very slight nausea and understand the key is to eat 6 or 8 very small meals a day instead of the usual big 3. Apparantly, the medical community is too busy trying to make millions treating erectile dysfunction to waste much time studying trivial little things like morning sickness, but I have a whole list of remedies and so good. I also understand that it only affects half of the women and ranges from very mild to quite severe (as in hospitalization with intravenous fluids to make up for everything that ISN'T staying down). I do get up to pee a million times in the night as my growing uterus containing the growing Hale Hale bean is sitting on my bladder for awhile here (and tell me if I am giving you more info than you want :). We get to go meet the midwife the Monday of Thanksgiving week and hopefully get to do the first ultrasound then. I talked to her on Friday and she estimated my due date to be around the 5th of July. I hope we like her. I read a book called The Babycatcher a friend loaned me about a year and a half ago. It's about a nurse midwife. When I started reading the book, I couldn't imagine having a child at home and by the time I finished the book, I couldn't imagine having a child in a hospital. I'm crossing fingers, toes, everything but my eyes that we like her, she likes us, the pregnancy is uncomplicated, etc. and we can have this baby in the living room. We go to Seattle (relief) for genetic testing.

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