Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Creative cropping and cupcakes.

Lots of them. We initially took the high road and tried a recipe which we later rejected. 'Too funky.' Then we did an organic box mix heavily enhanced with real vanilla I scraped from this totally luscious bean. 'Not bad, not bad at all,' says the little taster. So we forge ahead. An adult dozen with a lemon mascarpone cream, a last-minute edit to a recipe for lemon cream I had tried earlier in the week (I know, I know, it's not easy being a mom : ) topped with a couple of organic raspberries. Dad made whipped cream (he insisted) to which were added colored sprinkles (Oliver insisted) for the kiddo cupcakes.

It should be noted: about a week prior to his 3rd Birthday, he began calling me Momzilla.

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