Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Wow...Barack Hussein Obama. How intelligent. How poised. How right. Courageous to assume this role of leading us forward. What a great day to be an American...

We don't do the cable tv thing and I was unsuccessful accessing any of the live feeds online. As luck would have it, the Mount Baker Theatre opened its doors at 8am this morning to view the inauguration on the big screen. O's awesome caregiver Laura, Oliver, myself shared this amazing moment with a packed house of rapt Bellingham folk. He clapped and cheered and somehow managed to watch the entire presentation. I hope he will always remember it.

Cheers to hope!    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was pretty incredible, wasn't it? We planned to watch the internet feed on a big screen at my school. Unfortunately, the servers were so overloaded that we couldn't actually watch it. So between some rabbit ears and a radio, we were able to patch something together. I'm so glad I got to watch, and it's so wonderful that it was something you could experience with Oliver!

I still am delightfully amazed to see Obama and think, "That man's really our president!"

Superhugs from VT!
