Thursday, May 3, 2007

Vancouver Island Vaca

Vacation was great. Tofino is just awesome. We had 2 days of sunny weather, the rest was misting to monsoon, but we were in a cabin right on the ocean and we just relaxed and rented videos and hung out with Oliver and ate sushi and napped and hiked in the rain. It was bliss. I will get some of Joe's photos uploaded - the ofoto ones are all mine and don't compare with Joe's. Oliver had quite a day at the beach. Feet in the surf, sand everywhere - he kept sifting it through his fingers, toes, over and over, and over. Tasted quite a few rocks. He LOVED it. When you guys live here again, we'll vacation there together. You'd like it. The beaches are like Second Beach, and the place we stay is really wonderful and cozy.

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