Friday, May 11, 2007

Shopping for inflatable pools and proud of it!

I think I already celebrated my first Mother's Day. You know, the moment you are carrying a child, you are a mother. Oliver sleeps pretty well at night and has for awhile. He still nurses a lot, but I don't think we really even wake up for it - I know that sounds crazy - he just fusses a little and then he nurses until he falls back asleep. This happens a few times or many. We just ordered safety stuff for the kitchen. Joe found some great ones made by a company called KidCo and they use a magnetic key and affix with adhesive instead of screws. I was having issues wanting to drill into these new cabinets that were so expensive. We are ordering the bedroom windows this weekend, then will start the countdown to deconstructing the bedroom. Oh my gawd, I ran with Rebecca (boys in the baby joggers) the day before yesterday and she absolutely dusted me. We ran from the house all of the way down to the waterfront, to Fairhaven and then she ran all of the way back. O. had a meltdown halfway home and I had to whip out the pack and carry him on my chest (walking), but Rebecca ran all of the way home. She's a superwoman! They are leaving today for 2 weeks on Molokai, so starting tomorrow, I am 'in training'.

I've been looking at inflatable pools for the front yard - you'll have to hang out with us 'in the pool' while you are here...

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