Friday, November 27, 2009

strange things we see on our nap drive:

1) small sign at edge of road that leads back into the trees - 'Family Way - Private Drive' (ewww...)

2) a massive gravel excavation project

3) spray painted onto something (?) the words 'No Jail'

4) the rock man - a stone assemblage of very large flagstones that vaguely resembles a large man standing

5) a cul-de-sac in the middle of nowhere (there seem to be a lot of these in the county) with a (few) mini-mansion with a massive thatched roof and (if that weren't odd enough) a sign pointing to said cul-de-sac reading 'airbrush tanning'.

1 comment:

Charley said...

Oh you mean the sign on the Wynn Rd? We live a 1/4 mile from there!
Honored to be on you route.