Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Sheesh...his dad dropped him off, mom picked him up, he was busy in the sandbox. He was so excited. 'I went to Montessori school and I had a lovely time.' He was just squirming! We headed out to Kent's Nursery and bought an oak tree to commemorate the moment + dad's birthday. Checked out the waterfalls and ponds, the lily pads, the bargain area, the trees, the fish, the dogs, the dinosaur tree, the gunnera fountains, the frog and alligator, the incredibly cool staff.

Then, during possibly the most anticipated week of the year, he promptly begins sneezing, sniffing, and coughing, feeling 'punky' and now he'll be missing the rest of the week! Dad felt punky past week or more, so...

We stayed home. We nuggled and ate Fig Newmans and watched the camels in the Gobi desert footage. Played in the yard. A little. It was sunny. It rained. We took a drive in the country to fall asleep for a nap. Now it's a 3-year old film fest with Milo and Otis.

Movies make the punky go away. Really.

1 comment:

SalernoStrings said...

He's such a Little Man!! Today 3 of my friends posted "First Day of Preschool" on their blogs. Must be a busy day for lots of families!
Ah yes, the back to school punky germs! I've been a punky teacher lately!