Monday, June 1, 2009

Oliver's dear friend

Experienced Laura dance. 
Magnificently expressing so many spaces of emotion through movement, and then through light, sound. And wonderfully with/mixed music in her choreographed piece. A joy to watch.
Did someone film? Hopefully, hopefully. 

And family. So nice to see and hear. 
I feel complete gratitude. 
She is our, Oliver's, forever friend.

We will so miss you and your Laura smile walking through the front door in the morning.
May you please always be in touch.
With us.

Cheers to your beginnings and endings (and beginnings...)


SalernoStrings said...

hee hee...
Yes my multiple numerous future children includes Otter, Moki, Ruby Bleu (a red merle Aussie female who will be adopted one day when Moki is 9 or 10), and hopefully a baby Woodbury. I only plan on childbirth once, and I'm still working on cutting a deal with the stork to find a way around that part....
OH! We have a connection with a guided kayak tour group for the San Juan Islands in the summer. They guide you through the islands, set up camp and cook for you in remote spots. It might be 200-500 dollars. But it would be pretty sweet to do that with you guys this summer instead of a Portland thing. I'll find out more info!

Mama Ter said...

Nah, I like Portland. Berto's not quite ready for kayaking (though don't ask Carter the same question), just yet-o auntie Jess and he's in it for a train/plane/ferry and cool Portland Max rail ride, the little traveler!