Thursday, March 26, 2009

plastic + high fructose corn syrup + syrup on my 'dines

In the bathtub a sea of plastic fish, buckets, boats, monkeys, everything plastic. Should my son be floating in all of this plastic? I think not. It all slowly drifts into two separate, but distinct areas of the tub, am thinking of the place in the ocean where all of the post-butyrate injection molded plastic detritus of consumerism ends up and then on to the stomachs of seabirds. uck.

And the potty beans? The gmo-corn high fructose corn syrup, artificial color, artificial flavor, Jelly Belly nastiness that were supposed to facilitate potty training? I will find a better carrot. My bad.

On the culinary front: Oliver asked me tonite if we could 'please put some syrup on his 'dines' (maple syrup + sardines, yes. Anthony Bourdain would be oh so proud). How could I refuse? 

And he is most often lately, in the early evening, seen dining in the buff. The food must just taste better...


1 comment:

SalernoStrings said...

Quite the delectable palate Bertie! Mama T, did he really eat sardines with maple syrup? Is that a newly discovered snack in the Bennett household? I enjoyed Anthony B's capers in Sicily episode.