Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Botanical Latin names for Plant species Scrabble anyone?

I am thinking a mellow (train ride to the city-ish) for his Big Two - And a train with track, and a construction site set with a crane. Also a balancing cactus. He is very into balancing things. We should do a trike or bike soon. Trek makes one we totally love. Ro has a two-wheeler and Layton a two-wheeler ON the arboretum trail - neither of them has training wheels! We don't do a lot of toys, but he is at a pretty pivotal and wonderful stage in his intellectual and physical development, so a good time to introduce some more engaging and challenging toys. We need to get the carnivorous bog planed - you can't imagine how many different types of plants he can identify and some even in their botanical Latin names. His room is almost done and he naps there, but still sleeps with me/Joe/us in our room until we are ready to move him (gulp).

We just celebrated MD (Mothers Day!) by planting a lot of things and ridding ourselves of some more lawn-grass. We turned over a couple of 4x4 ft areas to plant chokes and I went in to count the plants I had started from seed - 16!!! Can you envision how much grass we will be removing to put in a dozen carchiofe?! I love it! Am trying to move away from 'landscaping' and toward edibles behind the fence. Courtyard. I want to garden in my pajamas with a big cup or glass of something...Must be the parallel universes you and I dwell within as I told a neighbor the other day that I have started to think of our yard as our farm and I feel a lot better about it now. And Woodbury Farm has a nice ring to it. Woodbury Acres sounds like Mayberry ha!

The Burrelly-Mon is beginning our fence - wahooo! Is going to be pretty swell with privacy and arbors and peek-a-boos, and gates. Will be the best to worry a little less about O. getting into (being seen from) the street. He knows and understands, but has very occasional lapse of memory (when chasing poor wendy around the yard for instance).

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