Friday, July 20, 2007

Marionberry pancakes kick off the day!

It is raining and Oliver and I just had marionberry pancakes for lunch. He is talking all of the time now, has a range of inflections, is into the spelling, song, toys. Can't wait for sign language and music this fall - he will just love it. He feeds me, kissed me spontaneously the other day, gurgles and babbles constantly. I have been taking Oliver to the Elizabeth Park concerts and he loves them. Last night he had Montana Syndrome and just wanted to run in all directions at once with this crazy rock band playing in the background. He completely keys off of the energy level and I think it was too much. He screamed at me when we were leaving (just like the water falls in Portland) and wouldn't get in the carrier or car seat. I was glad the music was loud. Last week there was a guy with a melodica and he played solos for Oliver while he was swinging. It was a hoot. We have an appointment with the attorney next month to begin the guardianship paperwork. This will be such a relief to us. Started ordering everything and lining up subs for the bedroom remodel. Devin and I are working on the backyard - oppressive. We are having the poisonous trees removed. I want Oliver and his buddies away from the front yard/streets and scary people. Esme can be out there.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Portland should have a label: "Water Features in Park may cause severe dismay!"

Oliver and I discovered in the Pearl District a place called Jamison Square park - intended to be a city block of granite fountains with a meditation pool - has a cycling water feature with waterfalls. Long story short, it was hot, hot, hot, there and wall to wall kiddos and parents. There was NO way I was keeping O. out of it, so in we went. I had to drag him away kicking and screaming 45 minutes later because I was afraid his diaper would be so waterlogged that it would fall out of his shorts before I could get him back to the hotel. Too funny...He travelled pretty well, LOVED the hotel. He is starting to try to say words, one of which is 'boobs'.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Meet the Godparents

Thank you for the wonderful gifts. You are so creative and funny, Jessica. The photo books are such a wonderful gift that Oliver will love forever. And the Spanish Seuss is a completely wonderful gift we will enjoy over and over again and doubly special because it was YOURS. A million hugs and kisses.

Re: guardianship. We wanted to broach the subject and let it sink in more than discuss it at length with the two of you. We've talked about it for a long time, but wanted to wait until could spend some time together to mention it and we wanted your anniversary dinner to be about your anniversary, not weighted with something else with serious, legal, and emotional implications. We both feel very good about you and Alex being Berto's parents if, for some reason, we were unable to. We love, respect, and trust both of you very much and it would give us boatloads of peace of mind knowing that he would be raised in a loving, progressive, and fun environment with Aunt Jessica and Uncle Alex. 

It is one of the prettiest 4th of July's I can remember. Joe is grilling chicken and corn on the cob, Bertie is asleep, and we are just hanging out until the fireworks start. We'll see if Berto stays awake for the pretty stuff. It'll be nice to sneak away to Portland tomorrow.