Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Uncle Alex Toddles With Oliver

Am busy this week getting ready for vacation and tying up some projects, swimming lessons, and Oliver is walking, as in hanging onto everything in site and going between the baby bed and the stove, refrigerator and drawers. I bet Joe that by his first birthday he is a-walkin'. His little buddy Asa from swimming is 1 year old and walking. YIPES!!! When I am in stores, I sort of mentally measure the percentage of toys that are derived from the television and motion picture industry and it is astounding. Totally reaffirms our decision to raise Oliver in a non-television household. We'll do dvd's, but they can keep the rest of it. I watched Sesame Street when we were in Monterey and decided within a few seconds that it was an insult to any childs intelligence, completely banal. And it's not that I am going to rob him of his childhood, I can't wait to read Pinocchio and Harry Potter to him. Anyhow, enough of my ranting!

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