Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 21,2010

Baby Sage left the warm and swimmy reality of her mamas womb and entered into her next big adventure around 10pm April 21. Joe and I joked about Carter scheming to have his little girl enter into this new world on earth day. I was out running and thinking about Rebecca's water breaking, the waves, and returned home to an email telling me the same. Baby is healthy, sleepy, and hungry, has dark hair, looks like Ro did, 8# 11oz.

So many many beautiful things to celebrate.

A week ago....

Tunneling through the sand and playing crabs (holding hands). 4 entrances joined in the center. Mass giggles.

Aunt J. celebrated her 30th birthday with her usual style and flair this past week.

Life marches on...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Postcard from Paradise

How many different ways can you depict joy? Gratitude?

We are on the Big Island of Hawaii spending Oliver's first official spring break visiting some very dear friends, friends who would take over our role as Oliver's parents if anything ever were to happen to Joe and myself. Meet Oliver's Aunt Jessica and Uncle Alex. Beyond wonderful, they are the real deal. Caring, hilarious, hyper-intelligent, super creative. Not a day has passed since they moved from across the street from us in Bellingham to their current reality on this big, beautiful volcanic paradise that I haven't missed them and I sleep better at night just knowing they are out there.

We have spent the week swimming, exploring, relaxing, cooking, laughing.

Oliver has seen rainbows, waterfalls, fed Jessica's goats Buckley and Mabel, picked avocados from a tree, 'excavated' on a real digger. His little footprints have traversed white and black sand beaches, he's trekked through a lava tube, explored the steam vents of Kilaua. This morning he experienced his first earthquake. Wow!

Time to take all of these wonderful memories and head home...