Thursday, March 18, 2010

In absentia...

Cannot believe it has been almost 3 months since I last posted to Oliver's blog. I fall into a big, dark, hole during the winter months and it requires every ounce of energy I have to try to do much of anything at all.

We've been thru one heckofa flu season this year. I was always under the impression that once a person had a particular flu virus that the immune system developed antibodies that prevented a recurrence, but am now convinced that is all wrong as we three have had the same flu repeatedly. O. has it again.

I have some rules about being sick: he can eat anything he wants whenever he wants and he can watch as many videos as he likes (don't worry, I'm not talking Disney here - they're all educational) - it's all about comfort and distraction. So imagine my shock when he declined strawberry ice cream post nap today. He's NEVER done that. I toyed with calling the pediatrician with the following '...well he has a 101 degree temperature and is declining strawberry ice cream, should I bring him in?'

He is GROWING. I began noticing a few weeks ago that all of his overalls were giving him wedgies and I've used up all of the slack in the suspenders so we're moving into a new size. Poor guy has gone from highwaters to wedgies. Tall, skinny, incredibly strong, and fast. His buddy Rowan gave him some running shoes and it was as though they were magical - he transformed into this little lightening bolt ricocheting from one end of the yard to the next.

He's also regressed to a former clingy (is that a word?) phase and goes insane if Joe and I try to leave the house for anything. I am certain this must be addressed in some great child psychology tome I'm too tired to read.

All for now...