Friday, November 27, 2009

strange things we see on our nap drive:

1) small sign at edge of road that leads back into the trees - 'Family Way - Private Drive' (ewww...)

2) a massive gravel excavation project

3) spray painted onto something (?) the words 'No Jail'

4) the rock man - a stone assemblage of very large flagstones that vaguely resembles a large man standing

5) a cul-de-sac in the middle of nowhere (there seem to be a lot of these in the county) with a (few) mini-mansion with a massive thatched roof and (if that weren't odd enough) a sign pointing to said cul-de-sac reading 'airbrush tanning'.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Santa Fe Smiles from September

Our dear friends Hal and Vicki in the back of Big Blue. 'Fire up the engine, Uncle How-oh!'
More photos to follow...

Latent Blogger

Some Halloween highlights from the purple dragon.