Monday, June 15, 2009

Track Night!

Oliver's first track and field experience last Monday night was a hit. Despite being leveled by a bigger kid and getting pinned under a hurdle screaming before the meet even began, he was totally into the Ages 6 and Under hurdles and the running long jump (the sand in general was also a hit). Dad says he looks as though he is about to take flight in the hurdle photo. Next week: soccer!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Fresh laundry! And who wouldn't want to climb under the clothesline and look up at the star quilt on a warm, summer day? This quilt was made many, many, years ago by Oliver's great grandmother. Though they never met, I think that it would have made her very happy to know that it gets daily snuggles with this sweet little sleepy Oliver kid. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oliver's dear friend

Experienced Laura dance. 
Magnificently expressing so many spaces of emotion through movement, and then through light, sound. And wonderfully with/mixed music in her choreographed piece. A joy to watch.
Did someone film? Hopefully, hopefully. 

And family. So nice to see and hear. 
I feel complete gratitude. 
She is our, Oliver's, forever friend.

We will so miss you and your Laura smile walking through the front door in the morning.
May you please always be in touch.
With us.

Cheers to your beginnings and endings (and beginnings...)