Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The 246 Run (formerly the Alger Run)

Not another great carbon footprint story.
The latest nap time ritual: In-car picnic at construction site on the waterfront, endless commentary about the auger 'augging,' anything that moves, while trying out all of the seats and 'adjusting' most of the controls in the car (this happens after breakfast on Saturday morning as well). Yesterday we shared sardines (yes, there are those 'dines again - loaded with iron and omega-3's and he loves them) and a local fresh squeezed strawberry, lemon, and apple juice. Today he was too full of strawberries and strawberry ice cream, was only feigning interest in the chicken sandwich, kiwi, banana bread, or other snacks I was proffering. We watch the noon jet fly over the bay, disappear into the clouds. After considerable cajoling (understatement) on my behalf, back to the car seat to do a train check and head by the airport to The 5, where we turn on his (most recent) favorite car song, the Beta Band (cd 3, trk 1), we call it the 'Rain Song' (maybe that's even the title) which we have played possibly 1,000 times (formerly Lime in the Coconut Song~doc-tor~), and head down the freeway. By the time we reach the south end of town, the car vibrations (13-year old Volvo...lots of vibration) and the landscape start to work their magic, things get panoramic to bucolic the further south you go, really beautiful, lush green, hazy foothills, occasional waterfalls, and few major construction toddler distractions. If I am lucky, the eyes close before the last exit and we can head back home for a short drive along the bay. Some days, we drive about 12 miles south, exit 246, and head back north. All this from his absolute refusal to lay down to nap about a month ago. He's a busy guy, he needs a little nap. Today he even asked me if we could just 'go home and take a nap'. Next!(phase). 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tide Pool Fever

Thoughts of sand and sunshine and salty coffee and camp fire smoke. Rebecca took this photo on Oliver's first camping trip last fall.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sleeping Around

Some of you will empathize and find the humor in this while others will find it quite pathetic, but the other morning we awakened to greet the new day - Joe asleep in Oliver's bed, mom on the couch, and Oliver was asleep in the mamoo and daddoo bed. Ah yes, more things they never tell you about parenting...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Best Buddies

Rebecca's photo of the 3 amigos. Ro, Otter, Parks.

Agua Boy

Rebecca's photo of Oliver at Parker's birthday bash last summer (glasses courtesy Park's grandma).

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

popsicles vs. icicles

Oliver says icicles. So, icicles they are. We made them today out of fruit and yogurt. Were a hit. Wphew. One more thing he'll eat...

Suddenly very opinionated, demanding, moody. Where DOES he get it?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rock Tasting

This photo was taken last year. Was thinking of this little Lummi island beach as it is really trying to be 70 degrees today. DIONAEA MUSCIPULA - We caught two flies this morning and fed them to the venus fly trap only to google and learn that we are supposed to feed a single bug at a feeding and only every other week. Noted.