Saturday, February 28, 2009

Those Rocky Canadians

We had some winter wonderland here two days ago. The day after I noticed the first helleborous orientalis Lenten Rose poking a tight, determined-looking bud out of the muck the snow started falling in the morning and didn't stop until when? The bamboo in the backyard bent over in a deep arc connecting to the ground almost at the house and I was instantly reminded why I so loved it in the first place. It made great tunnels, but we proceeded to knock avalanches of snow out of the long canes and leaves, filling the back of our jackets, so it would stand again. People in shock. Snow? The light was so intense, the sky so clear you could see all of the foothills in all directions. Everything from the Canadian rockies to the foothills in front of our Baker view was in full panorama and splendor.

We are all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newest member of the Sehome tribe, the new Norman baby. Our thoughts are with Emma, Chad, and Parker on this journey.

Rebecca's 35th Birthday yesterday, Friday, same day as my parents anniversary, never again to forget that one. And the quote of the day was from Rowan at Deception Pass, 'I LOVE the sun!'

O. and I visited The Great Mandini on Wednesday morning to see if she could find our lost ears. That Mandy! Always a great cut, a cool vibe, a good food tip. And then there is the music, fake fur, Balloon Suckers, a deer tattoo. How could you go wrong? And the resemblance of O. to Mandy's daughter Freda is, well...I showed Oliver Freda's picture from her blog and asked him who it was and he looked at me, smiled, and said 'Berti!'

Beyond that, we are thinking about preschool this fall. Exciting. Excited. 

Oliver is apparantly training for Cirque du Soleil, jumping off of almost anything onto (hopefully) pillows, sofa cushions, occasionally heads. Very physical. Very 'Whee!' 

And he sings. Mostly when he is quiet, working on something by himself. Picture the Grinch with his heart growing 3 sizes that day and there am I. Though he seems to have given up on the music class, maybe just a little hiatus?

Very social. With me, with dadoo on the road in Oregon, with his buddies, the waitress, the 'Beader' (beaver hand puppet), 'hamingo the flamingo, Grandma Patty and Grandpa Gar, and long monologues with Rebecca on the phone from in his 'kitchen'.

All for now...