Saturday, August 11, 2007

Changes in the Hood

I have been contemplating doing the entryway in saltillo pavers with pebble mosaics like they have in the bathroom in the Zero Energy House article. They delivered our wood flooring for the bedroom this week. We are scheduled to demo 08.27. We had 8+ trees removed from the yard today and toasted it tonight as we are THROUGH removing trees from our property now. The poisonous ones in the backyard, the dying maples in the front and the 2 hawthornes that had horrible thorns and covered our cars with pollen every year. I will miss the latter two ONLY because of the birds, but we will try to make up for it by creating more habitat for them. So much has changed just since you were here. Carter and Rebecca moved into a humongous Victorian between Happy Valley and Fairhaven and their house is on the market - a former neighbor staged it for them, it looks really nice. Tirzah is just about to have that baby boy. They have begun building their new home, but don't plan on leaving the 'hood for a few years.