Monday, February 12, 2007

An 18 Pound Little Man

I was looking at a photo of Oliver and I that was below a photo of Joe and I on our wedding day and I can definitely see some of each of us in him. He is soooooo special.

Saturday it was almost 60 degrees here and we all hiked up to Fragrance Lake. It was stunning. I have a new pack that puts Oliver on my back instead of front and it was our first 'big' outing - 3-4 hours of hiking and it worked really well. Quite a relief as he is about 18# now. 7 months of packing Oliver + 9 months of pregnancy weight have made these legs pretty strong. Wish I could say the same for my poor back.


Monday, February 5, 2007

Age 5-7 Month photo shoot

So my digital camera had a sensor failure and was being repaired. Boy am I glad to have it back! Oliver is changing so much right now. It's just amazing....