Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Encounter with the First Tooth!

Oliberto did superb on the plane(s), I was SOOOOO relieved. He also seems to dig airports, the whole travel scene (with the exception of the crappy car seat that came with the rental car and had ZERO padding) Monterey was wonderful. He loved the beach, laughed at all of the dogs playing in the sand and surf, loved the aquarium (doesn't know what he is looking at, but boy was he transfixed). Weather was sunny and wonderful. We walked the beach, napped on the beach, Joe and I got colds - me on the third day there, Joe as we were leaving. Did you know that when a mommy gets sick, her body starts immediately producing antibodies which go through the breast milk and immunize baby from the bug. Is that cool or what? Big News: First Tooth tonite. Lower right side. He has been biting my shoulder all day and this evening when I was putting him to bed, he started at my wrist and gnawed his way up to my elbow, started on the elbow and I thought 'wait a minute...', poked my finger in his mouth and there it was. He is so damned sweet. I am going to buy the cover for the Bob SUV stroller and start running the waterfront with Oliver any day. We just got the coolest backpack carrier for him. I am really relieved to shift the weight from my front to my back and hips. He starts sign language next week and swimming lessons in March. Crazy how fast it all goes...