Sunday, December 17, 2006

Starting Solid Food YIPEE

We just got Oliver's passport in the mail today. Rebecca and I took the boys down for the passport photos one morning after m/b yoga. Joe started his vacation yesterday, so we have 2 weeks to relax and enjoy our little family. We'll probably go get a tiny, tiny tree (no room) this week. We just bought a highchair today and we're starting solid food this weekend - exciting! (for food nerds anyhow). In January we go to Monterrey, so Oliver will get to see the ocean and hang out at the beach for a few days and I can get my feet wet with air travel with baby.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lots of Hair and a Chinny Chin Chin

Oliver is totally wonderful. I can't wait for you to see him and vice versa. He is growing a lot of hair, filling out, getting round, another chin, a really fun personality, very kiss-y, loves to touch the other babies, found his penis this week, tries to drink from a glass, is very loving, wakes up and beams at me in the morning. Ah...I am just in mommy heaven. Joe starts his vacation this weekend and we are going to introduce solid foods as he is totally ready and excited about what we are eating. Things have been nuts. Getting exercise and spending time with Rebecca and Emma and boys has been the most wonderful thing this fall when all of a sudden, we get this 2-3 week period of monsoon rains/flooding, followed by a week of wind from hell and power outtages, followed by a week of beautiful snow, but with temperatures in the teens, too low and cold to venture out with Oliver. I will bundle him up and take him out when it is in the 30's, but nothing below that. So we were cooped up for awhile and I almost went insane.

Christmas Yogamammas Potluck