Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yoga Moms Cabin Outting

Well the rains are here. Hopefully we will get another weekend or two of sun so we can hoof it up to Baker and get a hike in with the babe and the pooch (not to mention all of the house things that have to be taken care of). Yesterday I roped Rebecca into going to a Yoga Mammas outing at a cabin on south Lake Whatcom (clear down by Sedro-Woolley - don't think I knew that it really stretched that far south) and it was a big mom-fest with a roomful of babies and moms. Rowan is only 2 1/2 weeks old, so I was very impressed that Rebecca was up for it. The babies are too little to play, but Rowan did a great job with the drive and being in a roomful of people and Oliver was a HUGE flirt. I think he loved it. Rowan is going to be bigger than O. any day. Oliver is such a tiny little guy even though he is growing incredibly fast right now and he no longer has shar-pei wrinkly legs. I bought him jammies 3 weeks ago and he is already about to push through the toes.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Slobber Jaws

There are a few new pics of O. on the kodak site. Yes, he is definitely getting some personality. Can say his own words beginning with 'b' and 'o' and Joe and both heard him say Oliver the other morning. It was bizarre. He can be VERY smily and beguiling at times. I think he is a few weeks from getting into teeth - uuuuuggggghhhhhhh. Total slobber jaws. Going through another growth spurt this week. It's nuts.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Week 10 photo shoot

Smiles, Babbling. Cooing. Ow is most used word. Tonight he said ‘mo’. Right eye is definitely different color than the birth blue left one. Too fun…9/3/

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Oliver's new friend

Biggest news - Rebecca gave birth to little Rowan (boy, healthy, 8#6oz) at 4:30 am Thursday. They hung a pirate flag on the fence with 'It's a boy' painted on it. All are well. Carter brought him over this morning and he is just adorable - looks like Carter. She had a pretty long labor, but they were all 3 out walking this afternoon so she is just awesome. Carter used the word 'terrified' when describing the birth, so I don't feel so alone now... : )

We have been BUSY! Joe's brother John from L.A. came up the Thursday before last and rode with us to a wedding last weekend in Portland (Joe's nephew). Nice wedding. Great people. Little man travelled quite well - I was so relieved. Arrived home Sunday and my girlfriend Vicki (wife of Hal, future porch builder with Alex) from Colorado arrived Monday for 4+ days of 'girl' time - she just helped me and watched O. alot while I did silly things like take showers that were long enough to shave my legs and whatnot and gave Joe and I our first (much needed) night out on the town. He and I kicked off his birthday (today) at the Oyster Bar with amazing food and the best bottle of wine - I had breast milk bottled so I could actually drink a whole glass of wine. Vicki had enough to bottle feed him and then I gave him a bottle when we got home. It was so nice to spend time with her and the help was much needed and so appreciated. O. is changing SO much right now it is mind boggling. There are days when he seems to be growing before our eyes (not exaggerating). I am considering putting him on rations so he will slow down a little (kidding). He is starting to chatter a lot (specific times of the day it seems), have different cries for different needs and crying so much less now, lots of eye contact and grins, starting to gain control of his arms and hands and concerted effort to do specific things with them. He does little outburst screams. We broke out the 'B.O.B.' baby jogger and he gets wheeled around (no jogging yet - his neck isn't ready), trying to roll is endless.

Counters are installed and they look great and really pull the kitchen together. A-1 is here on Tues to do final on kitchen.