Sunday, August 20, 2006

You can pick your friends, You can pick your nose, And you can pick your baby's nose!

Nope, I don't think the eyes are going to be blue. The one that is changing is getting much darker.

I was picking a big boogedie out of his nose the other day and pondering the ridiculousness of trying to teach them not to pick their noses when in fact their parents start picking their noses for them before they can even crawl!

We are doing our first road trip to Portland for Joe's (and mine, I guess) nephew's wedding next weekend. We'll see how O. does (we'll see how I do...).

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Week 7

You know, it is like falling in love with someone over and over and over again. Starting to see some major changes and personality develop. It's possible that his mom has been teaching him to stick out his tongue...these were all taken within 10 minutes. You can see his right eye is starting to change color.