Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Baby Wearing is always in style

I think this little guy is going to be not so little. He is working on his routine for Cirque du Soliel every night. Ba-dump, flip, bump, roll, kick, push, ba-dump. My parents are bringing out the basinet I slept in when I was little and I will put that in my studio for him to sleep in, but I plan on wearing him until he is too ungodly large for my body to take it anymore. I really like the whole philosophy behind baby wearing. I just got my first 2 dozen organic cotton start diapers in the mail yesterday.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Prego Painting Picasso

My studio is finally painted the coolest green - pale avocado - it took  5 hours to finish it yesterday and boy, was I ever exhausted last night. I reached this point where a little voice inside my head said ''re getting so fatigued that you are going to do something stupid and hurt yourself...' and about a minute later, the entire paint tray came crashing down on my head - still have no idea how it happened - I was pretty goofy by then. Esmé and I slept in this morning - Joe is in Oregon, so she got to sleep on the bed with me. She loves that.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

130.5 Pounds and Still Kickin'

Well, the baby is huge, I am huge. A heffalump. I weighed 130.5 on the scale this morning. Sometimes when he kicks, my entire torso moves. Not joking. Am starting to be terrified that he is going to be a BIG baby. I have been having fantasies/delusions of delivering a 5+ pounder, but he doesn't feel like a little baby.

It has finally stopped pissing rain and is now sunny and just blowing like crazy. Joe is getting ready to mow this jungle we call our backyard. I am working on the garage - ugh.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Kitchen Details

Finalized the cabinets on Friday - man was that a headache! Would help if I wasn't so picky about symmetry, balance, details, but they are too expensive not to obsess over plans. Signing contract and ordering cabinets and windows tomorrow morning. They are handling the framing, installation of windows, doors, cabs, floors, and finish, and overall hand-holding, but I get to man the clipboard, phone, and calendar. So much for my relaxed 3rd trimester...Think we are shying away from stainless counters for ease of installation in a kitchen with no right angles (making it flush with the wall - stainless doesn't exactly bend) and fabricators in Spokane, Portland, and Seattle, and timing. Looking at a counter product called Richlite that is recycled paper pulp and resin. Our dear friend Hal Schafer has been installing it for a few years and loves it - functions and mills like a hardwood - occasional oiling and light sanding if you do something really egregious to it. A-1 loves it. From a tactile standpoint, it feels very nice. Is close to bulletproof. 

Bought some fun stuff for the Little Man. Found this sweet shop (Bootyland) on Capitol Hill in Seattle and the owner gave me Diaper 101 and the lowdown on baby slings (I am going to continue to wear this kid - don't see myself plunking him down in a bed and wandering off too much - he'll pretty much be an extension of me). Diapers are pretty revolutionary now. I'll have to show you. The 'plastic pants' are polar fleece, the actual diapers are organic cotton and hemp, and no pins - just velcro! Jess, they had all sorts of infant monkey wear at Old Navy that I think would have walked out the door with Aunt Jess had you been there - got him a great hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and a very soft chocolate brown hooded sweatshirt - I think I am starting to get into this...