Tuesday, December 13, 2005

First Ultrasound

The ultrasound was AMAZING. It was just the best day ever. That baby was waving and doing things with its' fingers the entire time - we'll show you the 'alien baby' pictures. He/she is 4.2 cm long and they advanced my due date to the 28th of June - even better. Nothing came up with the genetic counsellor and the nucol test (a bunch of tissue at the base of the baby's neck/spine) was totally fine. Will see if anything shows up on results of blood tests this week or next, when I have an appointment with the nurse/midwife.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Soapin' the Belly

NOW I've gained weight (3#) and I definitely have a tummy - I get a big kick out of soaping it in the shower - my buddha belly. Wow, your mom was teeny tiny like my mom was. Space, ah space. I imagine we will not worry about space so much the first year or so of baby's life (while we are recovering from the kitchen remodeling and being new parents) - people all over the world don't have McMansions and put babies and children wherever they can (think New York apartment dwellers). When we're ready, we'll either go up or down or out or some combination thereof.

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Baby is growing from PRUNE sized to APRICOT sized

I feel really good and my lower belly is starting to grow like right above my pubic bone, but I won't feel any movement for awhile. One of the books I am reading uses food to relate the size of the baby (rice, bean, cashew - this week a pitted prune - and starting next week, things are supposed to kick into overdrive and we go to a small apricot, then peach slice to mango, to pear, to banana if I remember the order correctly) which is so hilarious to me considering that we are both such foodies! So this week it's our little prune! I think this is the week the baby starts peeing. Isn't that funny? Amniotic fluid is just a bunch of baby pee (amongst a lot of other things). I guess it passes through the placenta and then my body has some way to rid itself of it. So I'm peeing for 2 also! I still sleep alot, but the nausea seems like it is pretty much over or so minimal (mostly in the middle of the night when I get up to go to the bathroom) it doesn't affect me (my mom said she never had any with my brother or myself). I'm not gaining weight, which is sort of freaking me out. We have our first ultrasound and the first of the triple-screening tests next Friday at Swedish in Seattle - I can't wait! This is just the coolest thing I have ever experienced in my life. 9 mos. sounds like a long time until you break it down to weeks (it's actually 40 - longer than 9 mos). I start my 11th week on Tuesday. So we have 38 weeks to get a kitchen completely remodeled and a porch built!