Thursday, October 27, 2005

Before Terry even knew she was Pregnant Post Hawaii

THANK YOU BOTH A MILLION for a super great, ultra-relaxing time in your not-so-big island. Joe has some totally amazing pictures we will share with you when he is through doing all of his Photoshop magic. The Waipo Valley and botanic gardens shots are mind-boggling - you'll see. I returned re-invigorated and re-energized about this damned little yellow house (NO idea where in the hell we are going to put a bambino if we can make one - Joe seems to think it isn't an unsurmountable problem - I seem to think I've been shoehorning and getting rid of things continuously for the past 7 years and we are busting at the seams...). I decided 'if Jess and Alex can build a house, I ought to be able to at least fix a toilet' and crossed that one off of the list this week - no more drippy, leaky potty - it's Plumber Terry! My big test was whether or not I even wanted to stay in this house after being in your beautiful and spacious abode and reportedly, I still do. Joe must have been inspired by the water filter in the fridge, because he installed a purifier and we are through hauling cases of bottled water from Costco - thank you! I've kicked the kitchen plans into high gear and will be bouncing ideas off of you as soon as I have something concrete - I have to have everything completed and ready for a contractor bids by Turkey Day.

We are doing a trial with NetFlix (thanks for the reco) and watched our first movie last weekend (The Corporation - very depressing) and have Ghengis Blues ready.

Made curried tuna sandwiches last night and they go on the permanent menu - another memory from Hawaii.

Amos is in failing health - bummer - he gets to do weekly subcutaneous fluid injections until I decide it's unbearable for him (and us) and we give him the big ticket to kitty heaven injection.

Going to Portland with Joe next week to check out a business and visit the stainless steel counter fabricators.